Ganesh Mudra: A yoga asana that can help patients with Alzheimer’s disease
09 February, 2022

If you do yoga on a daily basis, you must know of its numerous health benefits. From the head to the toe, different asanas cater to different sections of the body and keep the mind strong. Grand Master Akshar, a philanthropist, spiritual master, lifestyle coach, yoga-preneur and author, says with its numerous techniques and practices — including physical postures, breathing techniques, meditation, mudras, chanting, and more — yoga can help address a number of illnesses and also manage, prevent, treat and cure them.
For people living with Alzheimer’s, Ganesh mudra can become part of a regular routine. “There are many mudras that need to be done only under circumstances of any specific condition, but Ganesh mudra can be done at any point for the benefit of health. It can be considered as a neutral mudra that does not have side-effects and, therefore, can be practised by people of all age groups,” the expert says.
Ganesh mudra improves blood circulation. This mudra also has a wonderful and positive effect on your brain, says the yoga expert. It must be performed using both hands and should be done early in the morning and once in the evening. Those suffering from Alzheimer’s are advised to do it on an empty stomach. “You can start performing this mudra for a minimum of 10 to 15 minutes; it can even be done for much longer for up to 30 minutes but you must have the strength to be able to hold the position for a long duration.”
* Sit in a comfortable posture such as Sukhasana (easy pose), Padmasana (lotus pose). Relax your body and prepare for the Ganesha mudra.
* Bring your palms together to form Anjali Mudra.
* Hold your left hand in front of the chest with the palm facing out, and bend your fingers.
* Now hold the left hand with the right hand with the palm facing inwards.
* Keep both the hands clasped with the fingers locked.
* Inhale and on exhale, pull the hands apart without letting go of the grip.
* Repeat six times.
* Now reverse the hand positions and repeat six times.
– Stand tall and straight with your arms by your side.
– Lift your right arm and hold your left earlobe. Your right arm should be over your left arm.
– Lift your left arm and hold your right earlobe with your thumb and index finger. Your thumb should be in the front.
– Exhale deeply and squat slowly into a sitting position.
– Stay in this position for 2-3 seconds.
– Gently inhale as you rise again. This completes one cycle.
– You may repeat this cycle about 10-15 times every day.
“Along with Ganesh mudra, you can also practise Ganesh Namaskar. For this, sit down in a meditative pose and focus on your breathing. Practise for 3 to 4 weeks in order to see the benefits of the mudra and namaskar combined,” says Akshar.