Effective skincare tips to prevent underarm pigmentation

23 February, 2022
Effective skincare tips to prevent underarm pigmentation
Pigmentation is a common skin problem but it has solutions, too. It can happen anywhere on the skin, but the discolouration can annoy people and cause them mild embarrassment. If it happens in the underarms, for instance, it can stop them from wearing certain clothes.

On Instagram, dermatologist Dr Su wrote, “Individuals with darker skin types, because of the increased number of melanin or melanocytes on their skin, are more prone to having dark underarms.”

She added that certain deodorants can irritate the skin, and can also lead to the skin becoming darker. Interestingly, hair removal techniques such as “shaving, plucking and waxing” can be seen by our body as “injuries”, thereby stimulating excessive melanin production in the particular area.

Besides these, lack of exfoliation can trigger the pigmentation process, too, as can hormonal imbalance in the body. The dermat explained that other factors include insulin resistance, medication side-effects, and the leftover pigment in the skin after shaving.

According to the dermatologist, in order to prevent underarm pigmentation, one can do the following:

1. Change the brand of deodorant: They can look at one with no fragrance.
2. Shaving: Razors can cause irritation, so when you shave, do not apply too much pressure.
3. Sunscreen: This wonder product is for all seasons and can protect the skin if it is exposed to the sun.
4. Wear loose-fit clothes: Tight clothing can cause hyperpigmentation.
5. Fitness: Lead an active life; working on your fitness levels and weight reduction can help with underarm pigmentation. 
Source: indianexpress.com
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