Feed your skin for that extra glow

10 September, 2018
Feed your skin for that extra glow
When it comes to a healthy skin, what we eat matters more than what we put on it. The glow and texture of your skin shows the condition of one’s physical health. 

Experts say, a healthy skin is a hydrated skin. Drink 8-10 glasses of water every day to keep the skin glowing. Along with that, one needs to eat plenty of fruits and drink milk regularly. Dry dates, honey and coconut water are also very helpful for a healthy skin. 

Various diseases such as thyroids, diabetes, arthritis and kidney diseases cause our skin to become dull and lifeless. Also, deficiencies of vitamins, proteins and minerals cause various skin problems.

Those who are suffering from skin problems. need to take care of their food habits. 

Water melon, guavas, tomatoes, carrots, apples and oranges contain plenty of water and therefore are very helpful for dry skin. 

Vitamin-A rejuvenates our skin. One should take plenty of food and vegetables such as milk, egg yolk, carrots that are full of Vitamin A.

Lack of Vitamin C causes wrinkles on our skin. Citrus fruits like lemon, guavas, oranges, amloki (Indian gooseberry) and green chillies can fulfill one’s deficiency of Vitamin C. 

Many of us take Vitamin E capsules to keep our skin and hair healthy. This vitamin is available in natural foods such as edible oils, liver, gram sprouts, eggs and almonds.

Pimples are annoying at best and painful at worst for many adolescents. Carbohydrates high in calories, caffeine, chocolates, ice-cream, sweets and junk food cause pimples more.

Those who have problems of pesky pimples have to avoid such foods. Sudden increase in weight and change in hormones are reasons for pimple as well. One needs to control weight to keep pimples away. 

Constipation is another reason to make the skin dull. One has to take plenty of foods high in fibre content to get rid of constipation.
Health skin is all about healthy eating and a healthy living style.
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