Galaxy Fold Survives Brutal Endurance Test on YouTube

24 September, 2019
Galaxy Fold Survives Brutal Endurance Test on YouTube
Samsung's new foldable smartphone, the Galaxy Fold, has survived a brutal endurance test that included burning and bending.

The Korean electronics giant belatedly rolled out the Galaxy Fold earlier this month after early samples distributed to reporters in April resulted in the discovery of a number of flaws.

It spent the last five months tweaking and tinkering with the phone.

But last Friday, IT YouTuber JerryRigEverything, who conducts durability and performance tests on smartphones and other IT devices, posted a 12-minute video review putting the phone through a five-stage ordeal.

He first used an awl and knife to scratch the screen, bezel and camera. Some scratches were left on the edges, but the screen did not break or rip. He then used a lighter and exposed the monitor to the heat for about 7 seconds. The screen turned white when exposed to fire, but regained its normal color when the flame was extinguished.

The Galaxy Fold was then forcibly bent in both directions. The monitor did not break and functioned flawlessly afterwards. But when sprinkled with sand, the dust quickly got inside the phone, which was supposed to keep it out with newly added hinge lips.

"Personally I think when Samsung figures out how to seal the hinge from dust and find a way to allow screen protection, then foldable phone format is going to be a winner," he concluded.
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