Instagram Will Now Tell You If You're Spending Too Much Time On Instagram, Which Is Pretty Good

11 July, 2018
Instagram Will Now Tell You If You're Spending Too Much Time On Instagram, Which Is Pretty Good
Some people really don’t know that it’s possible to be addicted to social media.

They don’t realise what the compulsive need to check your feed and notifications is. Luckily, Instagram does. 

Instagram is rolling out a new feature that’ll ensure you stop scrolling at some point. Starting today, once you’ve seen all the new posts in the last 48 hours, the app pops up a notification with a big checkmark that tells you “You’re All Caught Up”. It’ll also feature a line break, beyond which you’ll see posts that have been around longer than three days as well as recent ones you’ve already scrolled past. The tool is rolling out to both Android and iOS.

This is just the first step, as it seems there’s another feature in the works. It seems Instagram is also working on a new “do not disturb” mode. This would let you silence all notifications from the app for a predetermined time period, or until you manually turn it back on. Should make it a lot easier to focus on that work you’ve been putting off.

It’s not the only anti-smartphone addiction measure in the works either. After all Facebook and Instagram have both stated they’re working on tools that let you see how much time you’ve spent in the app, and doing what. Perhaps it’ll help that one friend everyone has that’s glued to their phone during the entire night out.
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