Japan coincident indicator index falls for 3rd month in September

09 November, 2021
Japan coincident indicator index falls for 3rd month in September
Japan's coincident indicator index extended its decline in September, the government said on Monday, cutting its view on economic conditions for the first time in more than two years.

The index showing current economic conditions, compiled from data including factory output, employment and retail sales, slipped a preliminary 3.8 points from the previous month to 87.5, the Cabinet Office said, marking the third consecutive month of decline.

The government lowered its assessment of the index to "weakening" from "improving" in its first downgrade since August 2019.

The index of leading economic indicators, used to predict the direction of the economy a few months ahead, decreased 1.6 points in September to 99.7.
Source: www.channelnewsasia.com
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