Medical Myths: 5 common myths about obesity

01 December, 2020
Medical Myths: 5 common myths about obesity
Although obesity is common, there are plenty of misconceptions associated with it - and these myths often fuel social stigma. In this edition of Medical Myths, we deal with five of the most frequent misunderstandings about obesity.

In line with the Centers for Disease Control and Avoidance (CDC), in the United States, 42.4% of adults have got obesity. Globally, the World Health Corporation (WHO) estimate that around 650 million parents have obesity.

Folks are growing increasingly alert to the health issues connected with obesity. Nevertheless, despite public health campaigns, myths continue unabated. A lot of the most common myths get stigma that may impact the mental wellbeing of folks with obesity.

For example, the results of one 2020 meta-analysis on the subject indicate “a more robust association between excess fat stigma and diminished mental health with increasing human body mass index [BMI].”

Addressing the myths that surround weight problems is important. With this thought, this article will deal with five of the very most prevalent misunderstandings for this condition.

1. To reduce obesity, just eat less and move more
In many cases, consuming more calories than the body needs for a prolonged period of time is the direct reason behind obesity. Indeed, the vast majority of measures for reducing weight problems aim to lower caloric intake, increase physical activity, or both.

Although exercise and diet are important factors, countless unrelated factors may also play a significant part in obesity.

These factors, which persons often forget about, include insufficient sleep, psychological stress, chronic pain, endocrine (hormone) disruptors, and the use of certain medications.

In such cases, overeating, for instance, could be a symptom rather than a cause.

Also, some of these factors work together to increase the chance of obesity. For example, stress can boost the chance of obesity. As a result of prevalence of weight stigma, obesity could be stressful for a lot of, thereby increasing stress amounts and sparking a poor feedback loop.

Put into this, stress can impact sleep quality, and this, in turn, may cause sleep deprivation, which usually is another element in the creation of weight problems. Sleep deprivation also seems to increase stress amounts. As one paper explains, “pressure hormone levels correlate positively with decreased sleep duration.”

Sleep apnea, wherein a good person stops breathing for short periods during sleep, is more frequent in persons with overweight or weight problems. Again, a routine can develop: As they put on weight, their sleeping apnea may worsen, that may cause sleep deprivation, which can bring about further weight gain.

As another case in point, there is apparently a link between chronic pain and obesity. The reason why for this relationship are sure to be complex and change from person to person, however they likely involve chemical factors, sleep, depression, and lifestyle.

It isn't difficult to observe how chronic soreness would both increase stress levels and impact sleeping, adding to the undesirable loops outlined above.

Stress, sleep, and pain are just three interlinking elements that can drive weight problems. Each person’s case changes, but simply receiving an instruction to “maneuver more and eat less” is probably not an adequate intervention.

As this document will continue steadily to reiterate, calorie intake and exercise are essential factors in reducing weight problems, nonetheless they do not show the whole tale.

2. Obesity causes diabetes
Obesity will not directly reason diabetes. It is a risk element for type 2 diabetes, however, not everyone with weight problems will establish type 2 diabetes, rather than everyone with type 2 diabetes has obesity.

Obesity can be a risk aspect for gestational diabetes, which occurs during pregnancy, nonetheless it isn't a risk issue for type 1 diabetes.

3. People who have obesity are lazy
An inactive life-style is a factor in obesity, and becoming more vigorous can aid weight loss, but there is considerably more to obesity than inactivity.

One 2011 analysis used accelerometers to gauge the activity levels of 2,832 parents, aged 20-79 years, for 4 times. Their step counts lowered as their excess weight increased, however the differences were not as significant as one might predict, specifically for women.

The list below reveals the women’s weights and how many steps they took each day during this study:

  • those with a “healthy” weight: 8,819 steps
  • people that have overweight: 8,506 steps
  • those with obesity: 7,546 steps
When 1 considers that someone with overweight or weight problems expends more energy with each step, the difference between your groups’ overall strength expenditures may be even more slight.

This does not imply that physical activity is not needed for good health, however the story is more technical.

Another factor to consider is going to be that not absolutely all people can easily perform physical activity. For instance, some physical disabilities could make moving complicated or impossible.

Also, certain mental medical issues may severely impact motivation - and there is apparently a relationship around depression and obesity, which additionally deepens the complexity.

Apart from physical and mental health issues, some persons with obesity could also have a poor body image, which might make leaving their house a more daunting prospect.

4. If your close relatives have obesity, hence will you
The partnership between obesity and genetics is complex, but someone whose relatives possess obesity won't necessarily develop the problem themselves. However, their potential for doing this is higher.

Understanding the part of genes and the environment in isolation is hard; people who share comparable genes often live in concert and, therefore, may have very similar dietary and lifestyle patterns.

In 1990, a group of researchers published a report that helped split genes from the surroundings. The benefits appeared in THE BRAND NEW England Journal of Medicine.

The scientists investigated twins who had been brought up aside and compared them with twins who was simply brought up together. In this manner, they hoped to tease aside the impression of genetics and the environment. Overall, they conclude:

“[G]enetic influences on [BMI] happen to be substantial, whereas the childhood environment possesses little or no influence.”

One twin analysis from 1986 reached equivalent conclusions. The researchers discovered that the weights of used kids correlated with the weights of their biological father and mother, however, not with those of their adoptive father and mother.

Although newer studies have identified a far more significant part for the surroundings, genetics do may actually play an essential part in obesity.

In recent years, scientists have searched for the genes that influence the opportunity of obesity. As the CDC explain, in a lot of people with obesity, “no genetic cause can be identified. Since 2006, genome-wide association analyses have found more than 50 genes connected with obesity, most with very small effects.”

One gene that is linked to obesity is a variant of a gene called FTO. This variant, relating to 1 2011 study, is associated with a 20-30% increased potential for obesity.

Although genetics are essential, this does not imply that obesity is unavoidable for someone whose relatives have the problem. The above analysis, which involved people with the FTO gene variant, viewed the role of exercise. As the paper explains:

“Using data from above 218,000 adults, the authors discovered that carrying a backup of the susceptibility gene elevated the chances of obesity by 1.23-fold. But the size of the influence was 27% not as much in the genetically susceptible adults who were physically productive.”

An assessment and meta-analysis that investigated the same gene variant came to an identical conclusion. The authors make clear that persons with the FTO variant “respond equally very well to […] weight reduction interventions and therefore genetic predisposition to obesity linked to the FTO minimal allele could be at least partly counteracted through such interventions.”

However, it is necessary to reiterate the idea that these interventions alone might not be helpful for some people.

5. Obesity does not impact health
That is a myth. There are several conditions connected with obesity. For example, obesity increases the threat of diabetes, high blood circulation pressure, cardiovascular disease, osteoarthritis, sleeping apnea, plus some mental health conditions.

Having said that, even modest weight loss provides health benefits. In line with the CDC, “weight lack of 5-10% of your total bodyweight will probably produce health rewards, such as for example improvements in blood pressure, blood cholesterol, and bloodstream sugars.”

Also, an assessment of existing literature in the BMJ concludes that weight loss interventions “may reduce premature all-cause mortality in adults with obesity.”

Obesity is highly prevalent. Presently, the stigma encircling the condition is unhelpful and will be damaging. We must address it if we encounter it.

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