Protests erupt found in Chile after road performer shot by police

07 February, 2021
Protests erupt found in Chile after road performer shot by police
The shooting of a street juggler has tripped protests over alleged police violence in southern Chile, with several buildings set ablaze and an officer held in custody for investigations on Saturday.

Local press showed about 10 buildings on fire on the southern tourist town of Panguipulli following shooting about Friday, and authorities reported different protests on Santiago, the capital.

Police said 27-year-out of date Francisco Martínez Romero resisted law enforcement at a routine identification check.

A video circulated widely about social media showed an officer shooting toward your feet of the man, who was simply carrying and sometimes waving what appeared to be two blunt machetes used in his performance.

After a moment, he leaped out and rushed toward the officer. Different shots were fired and the person collapsed in the pub.

An area judge ordered the officer, who was simply not identified, held for investigation for just two days.

The video angered some in the united states, which has seen repeated controversies over allegations of police brutality against protesters recently.

The National People Rights Institute says that a lot more than 450 people suffered eye damage from supposedly non-lethal projectiles fired by police during street protests that erupted in 2019. 
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