Traveling with Japanese in-laws: What to expect

05 April, 2022
Traveling with Japanese in-laws: What to expect
Traveling with in-laws for the first time is already daunting, but throw in language barriers and the possibility of a cultural faux-pas, and you’ll be sweating buckets just thinking about it.

Luckily for you, I’ve been on a trip or two with my Japanese in-laws, so here I’ll share some of my experiences and how to navigate what may seem like a confusing cultural maze.

Courtesies beforehand

When traveling with in-laws, you need to be polite and considerate. However, when traveling with Japanese in-laws, you need to pay extra attention to cultural nuances and expectations. In the initial stages of planning the trip, offer your suggestions and light-hearted opinions on travel spots. If you’re not involved in the messages or email chains, ask your partner if they need any help.

At this point, it’s also a good idea to get in touch with your in-laws to say a simple thank you for organizing the trip and that you’re looking forward to it.

Who’s going to pay?

It will vary by family, and perhaps even by the trip, but my best advice is never to assume they will pay for you when traveling with in-laws. If they don’t, you’ll be prepared, and if they do, you’ll be that much more grateful. Assuming they will pay for the trip might end up in you seeming ungrateful and them disliking you, so let’s avoid that!

It’s also a good idea to check now and then for different activities. For example, while they might have paid for you and your partner’s accommodation, perhaps they expect you to pay for your dinner portion. If, after offering once or twice to pay for dinner, your in-laws are paying every time, make sure to thank them after they’ve paid.
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