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25 Foods to Eliminate Your Love Handles

Love handles. They plague men just as much as women (whether or not you care...

Pranksters plant missing 'Picasso' in Romania

A writer who thought she had found a painting by Pablo Picasso stolen in an...

Celebrities are trading Thanksgiving for Friendsgiving: Should you?

Whether you’re avoiding the third degree from family members at the dinner table or you’re...

Big studies show mixed outcomes on fish oil, vitamin D intake

Taking fish oil or vitamin D? Big studies give long-awaited answers on who does and...

Happiness on wheels: China's deliverymen

Deftly weaving through peak-hour Beijing traffic on a three-wheeled bike, Nan Shan has no time...

How to eat healthfully: Double your portion size

According to a recent study, larger portions of food might not be so bad for...

2 years after fleeing an attacker and suffering a fall that left her paralyzed, Hannah Gavios is doing the New York City Marathon on crutches

What was supposed to be a dream trip for Hannah Gavios turned into what she...

Chrom Tooth Makeup Lets You Paint Your Smile Any Color You Want

It's nearly impossible to buy a toothpaste that doesn't promise some level of whitening. Even...

Kourtney Kardashian & Luka Sabbat split

Well, that didn't last long! Kourtney Kardashian's romance with Luka Sabbat is officially over, according...

World War I brought revolutionary changes for women

Driving trams, ploughing fields and manning production lines: World War I radically changed women's role...

Weight loss surgery may prevent womb cancer

Undergoing bariatric surgery to combat obesity can prevent women from developing womb cancer also known...

Prone to binge drinking? This might be why

Why do some people only have one drink, whereas others find it difficult to stop?...

Cycling, walking in nature may improve mental health

People who commute -- walking or cycling -- through natural environments are more likely to...

These women 'explanted' after being pressured by surgeons into post-mastectomy reconstruction: 'They just can't fathom why we wouldn't want b??bs'

In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October, Yahoo Lifestyle will be publishing first-person...

Rare birth defect caused by Zika on rise

Emiliano Cula starts to cry as his tiny fingers, curled into a tight fist, are...

Shashthi moments at Dhakeshwari

The biggest religious festival of the Bangali Hindu community, Durga Puja, commenced on Shashthi Tithy...