Popular YouTubers Get a Mint

16 February, 2021
Popular YouTubers Get a Mint
Popular YouTubers made considerable levels of money in 2019.

The top 10 percent of YouTubers earned an average of W200 million each year, and the very best one percent earned typically W671 million (US$1=W1,106). Their main source of income is advertising.

Some 2,776 media content material creators on YouTube and other platforms reported earnings of W87.51 billion to the National Tax Service previous. That boils down to W31.52 million a year each.

The top one percent or 27 persons reported earnings of W18.13 billion altogether or W671 million per person, which is 621 times the common income of W1.08 million earned by underneath 1,388 people.

The common monthly income of underneath 50 percent is merely W90,000.
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