New research, published in the American Journal of Human Genetics, suggests that a genetic susceptibility...
Researchers found that changes in marital status affect levels of physical activity in men and...
A prospective analysis of back pain and rates of disability may help explain the association...
In an ongoing clinical trial, researchers are using gold nanoparticles to target prostate cancer cells....
New findings show that people may be genetically predisposed to love the taste of certain...
Recent stem cell research could lead to a new way of treating inflammatory diseases, such...
Depression and anxiety may be just as bad for your health as smoking and obesity....
Asking older adults how much they weighed in the past can help to predict their...
New research finds that cognitive behavioral therapy sessions delivered via an app can effectively treat...
New research, published in the journal Cell Reports, finds a drug combination that kills cancer...
A widely held belief has it that the more we use our brains, the less...
A long-lived stereotype about doctors is that they are avid golf players. In a new...
New research has revealed that targeted cognitive training can successfully reduce cognitive impairment in treatment-resistant...
Chemotherapy can affect a person's brain for years after coming to an end. How does...
According to a recent study, individuals may be more likely to be hospitalized due to...
"She has blue eyes." That was the first thing my dad said about me when...