Hyundai Launches Revamped, Eco-Friendly Ioniq Hatchback

19 January, 2019
Hyundai Launches Revamped, Eco-Friendly Ioniq Hatchback
Hyundai on Thursday released its new lineup of eco-friendly Ioniq models, which includes a hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) and a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV).

After its first launch in 2006, the newly-modified Ioniq hatchback comes with improved interiors and enhanced safety features.

"The new version is equipped with a navigation system with a 10.25-inch split screen, and other new technologies to assist safe driving," a Hyundai spokesman said.

In addition to touch-activated air conditioning and a micro air filter and a purifier, the hatchback also boasts the world's first feature that automatically switches to an eco-friendly mode, which increases the use of an electric motor when driving in heavily populated areas or hospital and school zones.

The HEV version is priced at between W22.42 million and 26.93 million and the PHEV version between W31.34 million and 33.94 million (US$1=W1,124). com
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